About Us
Years of specialized service
Help our clients manage
in Absence, Disability and Life spend
Advisor to
Fortune 500 Companies
Specialists dedicated to absence, disability, leave and workforce management

About our team
Our experienced professionals have diverse industry backgrounds to help you navigate the complex benefits terrain. Our specializations include leave of absence, claims, and technology, which allows us to maintain strong ties to each facet of the industry.
As an advisor to the world’s largest and most complex employers, we tap our unmatched purchasing power and market leverage to benefit clients of all sizes.
Partner with the world’s largest HR consultant and risk manager
Marsh McLennan is the world’s leading professional services firm in the areas of risk, strategy, and people. Join us as we aggregate the purchasing power and best practices of leading employers in all industries.

Strength, stability, and unmatched possibilities

Insurance broking and risk management
Absence, time off, disability, and life insurance consulting for large employers
Talent, health, retirement and investment consulting
Reinsurance and intermediary advisory services
Management, economic, and brand strategy consulting
How we’ve evolved over the years
Trion Group founded
Trion Group’s Absence, Disability, and Life (ADL) Practice founded
Marsh acquires Trion Group
Trion Group officially becomes a part of the Marsh McLennan family of companies as Trion Group, a Marsh McLennan Agency (MMA).
Trion Group officially rebrands
as Marsh McLennan Agency and the Absence, Disability, and Life Practice is rebranded to MMA ADL.
operates as 50+ person practice and is growing, offering dedicated services to Fortune 500 clients.
Trion Group founded
Trion Group’s Absence, Disability, and Life (ADL) Practice founded
Marsh acquires Trion Group
Trion Group officially becomes a part of the Marsh McLennan family of companies as Trion Group, a Marsh McLennan Agency (MMA).
Trion Group officially rebrands
as Marsh McLennan Agency and the Absence, Disability, and Life Practice is rebranded to MMA ADL.
Industry partners
- Disability Management Employer Coalition (DMEC)
- Integrated Benefits Institute (IBI)
- Business Group on Health
- Group Underwriters Association of America (GUAA)
- SHRM and others.